TOWN OF MIDDLETON–The town’s 2023 budget projects to spend less money than this year’s, collects more property taxes and cuts the budget deficit by two-thirds.
The town board last week unanimously approved the $5.719 million budget after town electors voted in favor of a $3.235 million property tax levy, up from $3.146 million this year.
According to financials provided by the town:
Town taxes on a $400,000 house would be $852.10 for 2023, $1,065.12 for a $500,000 house and $1,278.15 for a $600,000 property.
The town’s property tax mill rate remains practically unchanged at $.00213 for 2023 compared to $.002129 this year.
Helping to keep the mill rate steady was a $41.5 million increase in the town’s tax base this year, pushing it to $1.518 billion.
Property tax bills are mailed during the third week of December and payable in full by Jan. 31 or, the first installment as shown on individual tax bills by Jan. 31.