Trout Days Back in Full Swing

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A fishing fly tying, pictured above, workshop will return to Trout Days in Cross Plains this year. The event offers visitors a variety of fun and family friendly activites all weekend long.

CROSS PLAINS–The Cross Plains Lions Club and Cross Plains Chamber of Commerce is proud to sponsor Cross Plains Trout Days. Since 1984 Cross Plains has hosted Trout Days on the first Saturday of May, the opening day of fishing season. This annual community event has drawn fishing and outdoor enthusiasts to the Black Earth Creek area to fish and celebrate the spring season. 

Now in its 37th year, this growing event features food, live music, wine walk and a variety of fun outdoor educational activities for all ages and interests, with trout fishing and the area’s natural resources at heart.

“The Cross Plains area is an outdoor recreation paradise. This long-standing spring event celebrates not only the area's incredible natural resources, but the importance of connecting it to our business community and partnering to fundraise for local non-profit organizations like the Lions Club and others who give back in so many different ways,” Kevin Engelien, Trout Days Chair, Lions & Chamber Board Member

Events begin on May 5 with garage sales, food and drink stands, expand on May 6 to include a cribbage tournament from 5:30-8 p.m. hosted at Crossroads Coffeehouse and then the real fun begins on May 7 starting at 6 a.m. with a virtual trout fishing contest (#CPTROUTDAYS). Saturday features the following line-up of events for all ages and interests:

8 a.m.-2 p.m. Friends of Rosemary Garfoot Library Book Sale

9 a.m.-2 p.m. The Cycling Without Age Program launch event at the Vessel Cafe 

Ole Kassow, founder of Cycling Without Age, joins virtually to tell his story. 

Paulette Glunn, executive director Northwest Dane Senior Services will speak to the positive impacts the program will have on our communities and how to get involved. 

Rides on the new trishaw will be provided by our Pilots through Zander Park.

10 a.m.-7 p.m. Food and drink stands hosted by the Cross Plains Lions Club

10 a.m.-2 p.m. Glaciers Edge Square Shopping Center

10 a.m.-7 p.m. Creekside Zander Park

10 a.m.-2 p.m. Kids Activities & Adult Education Stations

Scavenger Hunt-Ice Age Trail Alliance

Kids Train Rides-Cross Plains Lions Club

Face Painting & Bake Sale-Cross Plains Wondermakers 4-H Club

Human Foosball Game-Cross Plains Scouts

Bugs on the Creek-Black Earth Creek Watershed Association (BECWA)

Fly Fishing Casting Clinic - Southern WI Trout Unlimited

Flo the Giant Paddlefish-Friends of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway (FLOW)

Educational Booths: Friends of Festge Park, Gateway to the Driftless, Lions Club

12 p.m. Kids’ KenDucky Derby-Cross Plains Optimist Club

11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Creekside Music Fest-Sponsored by Crossroads Coffeehouse

11 a.m. Wayside Wanderers

12 p.m. Host of Sparrows

1 p.m. Lulu Quintet

2 p.m.  Kendra Swanson

3 p.m. Lou Shields

4:30 p.m. Some Assembly Required

3-7 p.m. Cross Plains Wine Walk

Hosted by Cross Plains Area Chamber of Commerce and participating businesses.

4:30 p.m. Official KenDucky Derby

Duck Drop//Prizes include $300 win, $200 place, $100 show

6 p.m. Live music and prize announcements at Montag’s Pub & Grill

4:30 pm Official KenDucky Derby

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